Entry One S.O.G: From Conception to Birth to Establishment.


Shards of Glass has been established for a little more than a year now (1 year and 6 days to be exact). Within the year so much has conspired that has caused life to be breathed into the organization; and what more fitting than to acknowledge those fortunes on the day of thanks.

About 4 years ago I was lying in bed awake at 4(ish) suffering from a bad case of insomnia. Though I was unable to sleep, my brain was active and stewing with fresh and new ideas. It was dark, all was calm (especially because my then 2 year old was asleep). I began to erupt with these thoughts and could no longer resist the urge to record the flood of information on paper.

I did not wish to wake the boy so I grabbed the nearest composition book and commenced to write down my resolve in pitch darkness. Not sure if I were composing identifiable phrases, I continued to write almost 2 pages of notes about this revelation I had made about my life’s work; my life’s purpose.


That moment was akin to a singularity for me. In this moment Shards of Glass was conceived. 

Though that night my experience was of epic proportions, the journal was ultimately shelf-ed by early the next day. Life went on happening and that night had long since been forgotten until about 2 years later around the same time of the year, I had a similar experience where my thoughts were even more cohesive and aggressive while I composed on a piece of paper in complete darkness (apparently this is my thing), this time in effort to write (what I now call) an abstract and of the mission statement, purpose, and some of the objectives of the organization.

The next day, I hopelessly searched for the notes I had written years earlier that had included the name of the organization on it. I never located the notes but within months and with the help of hints and intuition, I was able to recollect the name from memory.  Shards of Glass was actually established and incorporated the next day; November 21, 2013.


Come with me as we journey into the future of prospects and possibilities. Shards of Glass signing off. 

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